Flexible Seamless Stone Skins

BRICKFORM Flexible Texture Skins are available in two types:

Standard-Flexible Texture Skins
Standard-Flexible Texture Skins are made from a high-quality polyurethane that is lightweight and flexible with exceptional detail. Designed to complement the BRICKFORM line of texture mats and accessories, these skins are flexible enough to texture 45º angles next to buildings and retaining walls. 

BRICKFORM Ultra-Flexible Detail Skins are designed for tight corners or vertical facings. They are perfect for bull nose steps, pool coping or cantilevering and faux rock projects. Ultra-Flexible Skins are available in a variety of textures and sizes.

FM-A - Blue Stone Texture

FM-B - Limestone Texture

FM-C - Rough Stone Texture

FM-D - Heavy Stone Texture

FM-J - Yucatan Texture

FM-K - Sierra SeamlessTexture

FM-Q - Elk Mountain Texture

FM-R - Elk Mountain Texture (Veined)

FM-W - Sidewalk Stone Texture

FM-X - Riviera Texture Skin